More About Bernadette

My introduction to yoga started with Ashtanga whilst I was travelling around Australia many moons ago. I’d read that yoga could improve my flexibility and strength, which was something I definitely felt I needed having spent many years sat at a desk, and I thought I’d give it a try.

Over the years my practice has changed as my knowledge and understanding of yoga has developed. My focus is now much more on using my practice to calm my mind and help me be fully present in the moment. I use the postures and movement to help me find focus and clarity in a busy world where there is ever present noise.

More About Bernadette

My yoga teaching uses vinyasa flow (flowing movements) to help connect the mind and body. Sometimes these movements are slow and held for longer whilst other times they are more dynamic.

My pilates teaching uses my knowledge of physiotherapy to help improve strength and postural alignment. The postures I teach are based on the Joseph Pilates’ foundations, but with adaptations made to posture to make it accessible to everyone, whether looking to stay fit or recovering from an injury. My focus is on getting you to move in a more mindful way, to listen to your body and to connect to your breathing.

I currently offer one to one Yoga and Pilates sessions.